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by Klaus F. Steiner (1994)

Kyberniidae demonstrates the dynamics of two mutually coupled oscillators, or in a more biological language: it simulates dueting males of the tropical katydid Mecopoda elongata L. The model is based only upon phase response curves and chirp cycle lengths.
The program uses experimental data I found in the process of my master thesis "Dynamik des Gesangs der Laubheuschrecke Mecopoda elongata L." (in English: "Dynamics of the calling song of the katydid Mecopoda elongata L."). Kyberniidae is a part of my thesis, too.
Kyberniidae is written in Borland Turbopascal 6.0 for DOS.

I have to apology, because Kyberniidae is not very user friendly, has no help system, is keyboard controlled (no mouse) and some manipulations are a little bit strange. And sometimes terminology within the program is inconsistent (e.g. synonyms are animal=Tier=system=oscillator). The reason is that the genesis of Kyberniidae was rather evolutionary than creational or logical.

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Some Examples

Some screenshots from Kyberniidae. More detailed descriptions and further examples of Kyberniidae will come soon.

Fig. 1: Animal (yellow) phase couples to a constant singers rate ("deaf animal"; blue). Green circle marks the stable point. Display of Chorusing | Simulation + PCM

Fig. 2: Interaction of two mutually hearing animals. For these two animals there are two stable patterns of interaction. In this screen shot you can see stable alternation ... (compare with next Example)

Fig. 3: ... and here imperfect synchronization. The animal with the faster freerun (blue) starts its chirps short time earlier then the endogenous slower, yellow one (compare with previous Example)

Fig. 4: Phase relationship between an animal (yellow) and constant chirp rates (stimulus) from 0.76 to 2.00 times the animals chirp rate. At the violet line (left diagrams) we find 5:6 stimulus:animal coupling; the attractor is shown by the green lines in the Poincaré maps, too (Poincaré map: phase of the others chirp in this chirp circle plotted against phase of others next chirp in the next disturbed chirp circle). Display of Bifurcation | Coupled Phases

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Copyright © 1994-2001 by Klaus F. Steiner, (1999, modified 11-02-2001), All rights reserved.